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Agricultural Services


Agricultural production can be likened to a three-legged stool. If one leg is unstable, it is easy to tip over, or fall off with little movement.

The three legs of the agricultural production stool are the PHYSICAL characteristics of the soil (minerals and structure), BIOLOGY (micro- organisms, diversity and biomass) and ENERGY (required for interactions between the plant and soil micro-organisms, and all biochemical reactions to grow a crop or raise livestock). To place an equal emphasis on the three legs at the same time that achieves a BALANCE between them is the focus and art of BIOLOGICAL AGRICULTURE.


864 Connect Agricultural Services has more than twenty-five years’ experience in effectively managing the three-legged stool using the biological agriculture principles in food production.



Our services are designed to manage and monitor the three-legged stool with simple, technically advanced tools to scientifically measure and verify “what you are looking at” in real time, for fast and effective management decisions to achieve the best outcome for the business and the farm Eco-system.

My Story - Ian Golding

Goal setting is a key function of any business production cycle, with what you want to achieve short-term and long-term; particularly when making the transition to Biological Agriculture. Its important not to set unrealistic expectations as this approach is dynamic and it can take some time to really observe what is happening while balancing the three-legged stool. When I started on the Biological Agriculture journey in 1990, there was very little information readily available, no internet and the experts in Biological Agriculture resided mostly overseas. It took me around 5 years of intensive work, reading books, attending many training courses and seminars and honing my observations skills to really understand “what am I looking at” to address the causes behind the symptoms I was learning to manage.

Once I gained experience in operating a functional biological production system, many things fell into place quickly and I was able to convert virgin land into a highly productive and profitable farming business within 2-3 years with the following achievements; above average industry yields, measurable increase in mineral density of harvested product, without the need to apply any pesticides for an eight-year period, including severely reducing/eliminating the use of herbicides by managing the soil microbial and mineral balances.

Thankfully today, the situation is vastly different compared to when I started on my discovery adventure. Biological Agriculture is the fastest expanding sector in agriculture today, worldwide. It will only get bigger, as the benefits far outweigh managing the problems with conventional agriculture in so many facets of the business.

A huge amount of research has been done over the last twenty years to expand the work done by the founding researchers of Biological Agriculture including; cover cropping for rejuvenation of soil farm eco-systems, new, cutting-edge biologically active fertilisers and soil biology activators, machinery innovations and modifications with agricultural equipment, trash seeders, seeding equipment to efficiently deliver liquid fertilisers, to name a few. There’s now a global network of Biological Agricultural consultants that specialise in guiding farmers to adopt the practices, grower groups and educators that deliver courses and training through webinars and global lecturing tours, health practitioners and food nutrition experts that fully understand the role that minerals play in achieving and maintaining optimum health and vitality.


Global Corporations now recognise their brand integrity is on-the-line with not being part of the solution to address the degradation of the earth biosphere, consumer demand for mineral dense, nutritious food that is not readily available. Food Supply Specification agreements that have mandatory requirements for verifying sustainable farming practises, which support biological agricultural production are being implemented throughout these new supply chains.

There has never been a better time to embrace change with this level of support now available.

If you would like to know more about becoming part of the solution, please contact us.

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225 Cragborn Rd, Katherine NT

PO Box 2181 Katherine, NT, 0851

We’re also available on Live Chat, during regular business hours on Australian Central Standard Time (ACST)

©2022 by 864 Connect Trust ABN: 21 739 725 669

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