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Research and monitoring done over the last ten years based on Residual Dry Matter after Grazing levels, proves there is a Tipping Point level between profit and loss in a pasture grazing and dairy grazing operation based on the kg/ha residual dry matter after grazing.


Making a profit and achieving higher ROI on capital is hugely influenced by managing the optimum residual dry matter after grazing. This combined with astute management of the soil and plant nutrition programs that delivers sufficient energy in the forage for optimum rumen digestion performance for higher weight gain rates and milk production are the tangible results through our services.


Over grazing, as you well know, can cause many adverse farming conditions such as loss of top soil, wind erosion, excess run-off during rain, loss of weight gains in the herd, over-stocking for available pastures that are not recovering quickly enough in rotational grazing operations and increased production costs with supplementary feeding requirements to name a few.


864 Connect Agricultural Services offers an unique on-line suite of business management software, which includes full accounting software, pasture growth and nutrition monitoring, herd recording management and Soil Carbon accounting.

This is a common sight with monoculture pasture grazing; minerally depleted soils, urine patches and poor pasture vigour and herbage nutrient levels. This picture illustrates that the soil microbial eco-system has broken down. The result is higher costs of production, nutrient loss and increased GHG emissions, along with poor animal performance.

Multi-species pastures create synergy, delivers more with less along with superior nutrient and mineral availability to livestock, robust grazing and regenerative capability, reduced daily dry matter consumption/animal. The result is lower costs of production with higher animal performance, more so using  PROFITPOINT pasture grazing management  software.

Visual Soil Assessment -  VSA

The maintenance of good soil quality soil is vital for the environmental and economic sustainability of pastoral, fruit and vegetable and cropping land. The decline in soil quality has a marked impact on pasture and crop production, pasture and crop quality, food quality, animal health, production costs, nutrient loss into the groundwater and waterways, carbon sequestration and green-house gas emissions.


The VSA was developed by Mr. Graham Shepherd  in New Zealand, which provides a quick and simple method to assess soil condition and plant performance; and how they are affected and modified by farm management practises. It is based on a scoring system; out of 50 for pasture and 54 for cropping. The higher the score the better the condition of the soil and the performance of the crop.


Score cards cover the following test criteria;


Pastoral Grazing VSA

  • Soil Quality under Pastoral Grazing

  • Plant Performance under Pastoral Grazing

  • Potential for Nutrient Loss into Groundwater and waterways for Pastoral Grazing

  • Potential for Carbon Sequestration under Pastoral Grazing

  • Potential for Greenhouse Gas Emissions for Pastoral Grazing


Cropping VSA

  • Soil Quality under Cropping

  • Plant Performance under Cropping

  • Potential for Carbon Sequestration under Cropping

  • Potential for Nutrient Loss into Groundwater and waterways under Cropping

  • Potential for Greenhouse Gas Emissions under Cropping


Establishing a base-line condition of the grazing and cropping enterprise of your soils is an essential Discovery Review, from where change management planning and actions can release untapped potential that will create exceptional value and wealth with your business.


The VSA is an essential management practice that verifies quantitatively that the business is meeting the environmental compliance of your buyers and food processors.





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